Saturday, November 15, 2014

Sailor Moon Crystal Impressions (November 15, 2014) WARNING - SPOILER ALERT!



Well, we're finally here... the Final Four of the first story arc.  And the turning point is big.  Our heroes head to the moon to find out who they are, Sailor Venus pulls out the Holy Moon Sword, and - as I predicted - not only did a battle royale between the Sailors and the four Kings happen in the frozen battlefield that is Tokyo, but we get a glimpse of the Kings' past lives as knights who swore to protect Prince Endymion, who represented the royalty of the entire planet Earth.

But nothing prepared me for the major change from the manga that played on a theory long speculated by fans for decades:  The theory that the Inner Sailors and the Kings were once in love with each other in their former lives during the Silver Millennium. During the big fight, Venus recalls their memories clearly confirming their romance.  At that moment, the Kings manage to escape when Sailor Moon uses Moon Healing Escalation to melt the ice of the frozen Tokyo.

Shortly after - as in the manga - Queen Beryl uses Endymion to bait Sailor Moon into getting the Silver Crystal in the next episode.  However, unlike the manga, the original Endymion is not killed and replaced with an empty husk, but rather spared and brainwashed.

I'm perfectly okay with the way this episode was executed, though they may improve some visuals in the finalized Blu-Ray release anyway.  That said, there's only 3 episodes to go until the Black Moon arc.  Here's hoping they deliver!

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